Monday, November 28, 2011

Question: What's next?

Hope the turkey isn't cold by the time
you get to the front of the line!
What's next you ask?  Here's my answer:  Retailers will be serving Thanksgiving Dinner in the stores in 2012. 

So this post is more a venting than a real Q &A, but man... are we losing it or what?  Black Thursday?  Really??? 

Stop the madness people!  Focus, focus, focus! Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays.  I love preparing and serving the meal, I treasure any time I can have with family and friends (although I will dearly miss so many of them this year as our table will be small, but absolutely still overflowing with goodness) and I love focusing on the many blessings I have to be thankful for.

I pray that your Thanksgiving 2011 was one filled with a thanks.  Stay focused, stay positive and always find something to be grateful for in each day.

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